Currently in the comprehensive, CallRevu can give them total alerts, appts made and sale made but it’s only if they close them out. Plus sometimes this gets a little wonky, if they close old alerts or add more notes, it may make their appts made post alert over 100%. It doesn’t show alerts that were closed with No next step calls so not a full accurate total of closed alerts.
CallRevu doesn't show the customer the why. Why close the alerts? How many of deals did you save? That is nowhere in the portal.
Thank you for the feedback. Helps a lot.
When you close an alert, you have to select an option. It would be super cool to see a break down of Alerts closed with Appt, or Sold, or no next steps.
Can these items be separated out? (Too many ideas to score properly) There are so many ideas bundled here. What is the top thing that you want delivered. Product can work with you to help define your specific need.