CallRevu's navigation bar is currently astetically pleasing but lacks a design based on industry best practices. The major issue is that the titles are very vague and can make it cumbersome for a user to find what they are looking for. Users often have to open all of the navigation groupings in order to find what they want and as the age old addage says: "out of sight, out of mind!" Within the navigation bar, we have titles like "Dealership" which doesn't lead the user to understand which reports would be under the "Dealership" tab because wouldn't essentially every report be used by a dealership? CallRevu houses some great reports within the platform but they are currently scrambled up in a slapped together navigation bar. Attached I have outlined some examples that we could rename the tabs and move reports under categories that make sense. These categories could include:
Connectivity [abandon calls (by time, carrier, and anything else we report on), connectivity segment of department report)],
Phone Skills (employee inbound, outbound, and department report phone skills reports, staffing?),
Marketing (DNI & Ad Source Reporting, Tracking, and Numbers),
Enterprise (trend reporting for multi-users) and finally Alerts (alert activity, alert closure, and new alert roi/disposition).