A report that shows information about the Vehicle of Interest and Current Vehicles discussed in calls. The report would show how many calls did the agents collect current vehicle out of all sales opp calls. And how many collected VOI out of sales ...
Client would like to be able to create a report once and then add it to favorites so it is stored in a menu option called favorites where they can then go and run that report easily without having to recreate it each time. Example would be running...
When you have multiple accounts selected, all the dealership display in the Dealership Performance section. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason to their listing. The stores aren't listed alphabetically, or by call total, Agent Available...
Requested by Charlie Hicks of the Ed Hicks Auto Group. When there is a group of dealerships, the GM says it will be easier for him to know who to forward the alert to if the store name is included in the original text.
CI Advanced Customers - Add Employees in Dashboard and Framed-INs
CI Advanced & CI Tracking customers would like the ability to add their own employees to a roster from our dashboard and framed-in reports. This feature is only available for Salesvision at this time on the employee performance report. Prior t...
Verifying if outbound calls are to a valid number and removing outbound calls under 1 minute
Alot of agents make calls to bad numbers as a way to help their outbound call stats. If we verify carriers for inbound calls customer would like us to do the same for outbound calls to make sure agents are actually calls to valid customers. Also f...
Jasmin Reynolds
almost 3 years ago
in CallTracking
No longer in consideration
Either filter when drilling down into call details or remove filters from being visible
Currently when you drill down from either the Home page, Dealership > Add Source, Dealership > Department, or Other > Voicemail tabs it displays the available filters, but does not allow you to make any changes after you have drilled into...
Add Percentage data so that Clients can toggle between numbers of calls and the percentage of calls within each time and day for the SalesVision > Dashboard > Outbound Report > Heatmap. Currently we only display the number of calls for th...