SVP Needs an easy way to access Unappointed Fixed Ops Calls
We need an easy way for dealers to access their unappointed Fixed Ops calls. In Sales Vision there is the appointment opportunity bar. In SVP the dealers need to click on all calls then sort by appointed and look for the calls that weren't by the ...
Click-2-Call - Indicate to agent why the call failed (blocked, bad call, etc.)
Request a feature update that will give agents making click 2 calls some feedback on their calls when the call to the customer does not connect; perhaps a message to be heard on the call,
due to the agents number being blocked by a carrier, or th...
Ability to assign alerted call to sales rep in CRM using an @REPNAME function
Requested by GSM at AMSI Sawgrass Infiniti Sales Manager opens the client record in eleads (or any CRM) and would like to put in the notes of a call "assigned to @REPNAME" and have the alert closed and notes updated in CallRevu and the ability for...
Client would like the ability to choose which reports show in the telephony menu in their CRM. If a sales manager then they would only like to see the reports that would be most pertinent to their job vs if they are a Marketing manager. Client wou...
Customer from Hennessy Auto Group is requesting https:// be added to the iMagic CRM template. Per Client: We are getting the following imagic template going into JLR Buckhead: Please take a look at the Call URL:
Carly Tanaka
about 1 year ago
in Integrations
No longer in consideration
review calls showing details of calls listened to/call reviewed tag or indicator
Customer would like the review calls to show the details of which calls they listened to. Currently it breaks out the department but not the actual list of calls they've listened to. They would like this so if they forget which calls they listened...
Update Outbound Daily Report to allow for setting to be for weekly and monthly call data
We Currently have a report Outbound Daily Report that can be scheduled with
run day options
Disabled Daily Weekly Last 4 Weeks Monthly
Day of Week (for Weekly):
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
but th...
Settings - Portal Login more than one account access
When changing accounts in 2.0, it's easy to see CallRevu LLC accounts vs Team Velocity or vendor accounts. When you are creating users who need access to more than one store, you can't tell which account is the CallRevu LLC and which is the Team V...
For security reasons, a dealer may want/need to disable allowing users to download phone calls. It should be enabled by default, but be able to be disabled for all users. Even better would be for this permission to be assigned some users and not o...